In July 1976, the Registration Label Bulletin was first produced. It kicked off what was to become the Postal Label Study Group. This group was organized in England by R.L. Woodward-Clarke and lasted until March 1979. At its peak this study group had about 100 members from all over the world. The group issued Quarterly bulletins which were full of information on all kinds of postal labels: registration labels, airmail labels, etc.
Some members in the Los Angeles, Calif. area began to reactivate the group in Dec. 1984. The first group bulletin of the new group was produced by Wm. H. Lyons in Sept 1985. From this nucleus, the group has now expanded to Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and the UK. The group became an APS affiliate in 1992.
Our members collect many different kinds of postal label, but Airmail labels and Registration labels and covers with these labels has been the prime interest of most members.
Our many services include the quarterly publication of the Postal Label Bulletin containing extensive news and information from the world of postal label collecting. Other publications are the Registration Labels of the World, a catalog listing the R labels issued by over 317 countries and a Worldwide Airmail Label Catalog covering 201 countries. Opportunities to acquire material are offered through the Bulletin Auctions.
If you are interested in any facet of the postal label field, we cordially invite you to join with us in the Postal Label Study Group. Dues are low: Currently $5 for electronic bulletins: $15 for hard copy bulletins.